Prostate Cancer Health Storylines is developed in partnership with

Download now. It is 100% FREE.

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Explore features and tools that were made just for you

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Track your symptoms and any changes in severity.

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medication tracker

Get reminders for when it’s time to take your meds.

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PSA LEvels

Monitor your PSA levels and how they change over time.

fatigue manager

Track and learn how fatigue impacts you and where it may come from.

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Monitor your vital signs to manage medical issues.


Use this tool to monitor your urine levels.

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daily moods

Easily keep track of your moods, rain or shine.

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Access other tools to help you manage your health.

health routine builder

Start forming healthy habits by building your daily routine.

Need help getting started?

Contact us using the form below or call us at 1-844-475-4637


Prostate Cancer Health Storylines™ is developed in partnership with the Veterans Prostate Cancer Awareness Inc. and is powered by the Health Storylines™ platform from Self Care Catalysts Inc.

This app is not meant to replace a clinician or give medical feedback of any kind. It is a tool to help document self-care activities for better care coordination and communication. No one will see your results unless you share it with them.

Any data collected from Health Storylines is de-identified (removing any personal information) and aggregated to eliminate any personal identification so that it can be made available to partners and other third parties to better understand the patient experience in order to improve treatment options and health outcomes.